Tuesday, September 17

Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati


    Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati

    Chandra S R Nuthalapati is currently a professor at the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi and a visiting professor at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. After working for a few years in the State Department of Agriculture as a field functionary, he was a faculty member for ten years at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad. He was a Fulbright Visiting Fellow at Cornell University during 2010-11. Joined the current position in 2012. His research interests include strategy for agricultural development, food value chains, economics of technological change, poverty, and natural resource management. He co-edited his latest book Biotechnology for a Second Green Revolution in India: Socioeconomic, Political and Public Policy Issues with Carl E Pray and Ronald J Herring. His current research work involves study of start-ups with innovations and their impact on growth, employment, and welfare; and dynamics of participation in supermarket driven food value chains during the pandemic.

    Email: chandra@iegindia.orgraonch@gmail.com
    Mobile: +1- 607-280-3845

    Journal Articles

    Working Paper

    Chapter in Edited Books