Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati
Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati
Chandra S R Nuthalapati is currently a professor at the Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi and a visiting professor at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. After working for a few years in the State Department of Agriculture as a field functionary, he was a faculty member for ten years at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad. He was a Fulbright Visiting Fellow at Cornell University during 2010-11. Joined the current position in 2012. His research interests include strategy for agricultural development, food value chains, economics of technological change, poverty, and natural resource management. He co-edited his latest book Biotechnology for a Second Green Revolution in India: Socioeconomic, Political and Public Policy Issues with Carl E Pray and Ronald J Herring. His current research work involves study of start-ups with innovations and their impact on growth, employment, and welfare; and dynamics of participation in supermarket driven food value chains during the pandemic.
Mobile: +1- 607-280-3845
- Rao, N. Chandrasekhara, Pray, Carl E. and Herring, Ronald J. (Eds.) (2018).Biotechnology for a Second Green Revolution in India: Socioeconomic, Political, and Public Policy Issues, (FOREWORD By: Nobel Laureate Sir V. Ramakrishnan). Academic Foundation, New Delhi
- Rao, N. Chandrasekhara, Radhakrishna, R., Mishra, Rama Kumar and Kata, Venkata Reddy (Eds.) (2016).Organised Retailing and Agri-Business: Implications of New Supply Chains on the Indian Farm Economy. Springer India, New Delhi
- Rao, N.Chandrasekhara and S.Mahendra Dev (2010),Biotechnology in Indian Agriculture: POTENTIAL, PERFORMANCE AND CONCERNS, Academic Foundation, New Delhi
- Dev, S.Mahendra and N.Chandrasekhara (2009), 'India: Perspectives on Equitable Development',Academic Foundation, New Delhi
Journal Articles
- Rao, N. Chandrasekhara, Bhaskar Mittra & Prabhu Pingali Nutrition-Sensitive Food Systems and Biofortified Crops Agricultural Economics Research Review, 35 (1): 123-132
- Chandra S. R. Nuthalapati, A. Narayanamoorthy, K. S. Sujitha & R. Suresh Dynamics of Farmers Income Growth: Regional and Sectoral Winners and Losers from Three-Time SAS Data Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati, Yogesh Bhat & Susanto K Beero (2022).Is the Electronic Market the Way Forward to Overcome Market Failures in Agriculture?,Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 41, 08 Oct, 2022
- Rao, N. Chandrasekhara,S Mahendra Dev and Rajeev Sharma (2022).Supply-side Problems in Food Loss and Waste: Issues in Mitigation through Cold Chain,Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 14, 02 April, 2022
- Reardon, Thomas, Ben Belton, Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie, Liang Lu, Chandra S. R. Nuthalapati, Oyinkan Tasie, David Zilberman (2021), "E-commerce's fast-tracking diffusion and adaptation in developing countries', Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy , 43(2): 1-17. ,AAEA, WILEY, Feb. 2021
- Reardon, Thomas, Amir Heiman, Liang Lu, Chandra S.R. Nuthalapati, Rob Vos, David Zilberman (2021),“Pivoting” by food industry firms to cope with COVID-19 in developing regions: E-commerce and “copivoting” delivery intermediaries” Agricultural Economics, 52(3): 1-17.
- Nuthalapati, Chandra S.R., K Srinivas, Neha Pandey and Rajeev Sharma (2020),"Startups with Open Innovation: Accelerating Technological Change and Food Value Chain Flows in India" Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(4): 415-437
- Nuthalapati, Chandra Sekhara Rao (2020), Emerging Civil Society Initiatives in Agriculture, Yojana, Vol. 64, No.1, pp. 43-46,Yojana
- Reardon, T., Mishra, A., Nuthalapati, C.S.R., Bellemare, M.F., & Zilberman, D. (2020). COVID-19's Disruption of India's Transformed Food Supply Chains Economic and Political Weekly, 55(18): 18-22
- Srinivasan, T.Jeena and Chandra S.R. Nuthalapati (2020), Development-induced Displacement Risks and Coping with Resettlement.Journal of Rural Development, 39(2): 169-186,Journal of Rural Development
- Nuthalapati Chandra S.R., Sutradhar Rajib, Reardon Thomas and Qaim Matin. Supermarket procurement and farmgate prices in India, World Development, Volume 134, Oct 2020.
- Nuthalapati, Chandra Sekhara Rao and Kartikeya Singh (2019) Venture Capital, Technology and Innovative Startups in India".Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, ESCAP. January-March, pp. 20-27.
- Srinivasan, T. Jeena and Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati (2019). " Groundwater Extraction, Agriculture and Poverty in Godavari River Basin." Ecology, Economy and Society- the INSEE Journal, 2(2): 45-74.
- Sutradhar, Rajib, Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati and Bellemare, Marc F. (2019) " Whither the pin factory? Modern food supply chains and specialization in India." Agricultural Economics, 50(4): 395-405
- Rao, N. Chandrasekhara, Bathla, Seema, Kumar, Anjani and Jha, Girish K. (2018). " Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals: An Overview and Issues." Agricultural Economics Research Review, 31 (Conference Number): 1-7
- Rao, N. Chandrasekhara, Sutradhar, Rajib and Reardon, Thomas (2018). " Inclusiveness, Technology and Profitability in Supermarkets: SUR Model Results from Semi-Arid Region." Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(3): 293-308
- Das Gupta, Sunipa, Bart Minten, N.Chandrasekhara Rao, Thomas Reardon (2017) " The Rapid Diffusion of Herbicides in Farming in India: Patterns, Determinants, and Effects on Labor Productivity?" The European Journal of Development Research, 29(3):596-613,
- Rao, N.Chandrasekhara, Rajib Sutradhar, Thomas Reardon (2017), "Disruptive Innovations in Food Value Chains and Small Farmers in India", Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(1)24-48, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Rao, N.Chandrasekhara (2017), "Biotechnology for Farmers Welfare and Poverty Reduction: Technologies, Impact and Policy Framework", Agricultural Economics Research Review, 30: 240-256, Agricultural Economics Res. Review
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara (2015). " Disadvantaged Region and Social Groups: Is there a way out?- Rapporteurâ??s Report." Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 70 (3)
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara (2015). " Genetically Engineered Crops: Socioeconomic Impact in Developing Countries," in D V Reddy, P Lava Kumar, Gad Loebenstein and C Kameswara Rao (eds.) Genetically Engineered Crops in Developing Countries. Houston: Studium Press LLC. Pp. 1-35
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara; Carl E Pray and Herring, Ronald J (2015). " Biotechnology for a Second Green Revolution in India: Socioeconomic and Public Policy Issues." AgBioForum. Vol. 18 (2). pp. 1-16
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara, Radharishna, R, Mishra, R K and Reddy, K Venkata (eds.) (2015). " Implications of the New Supply Chains on Farm Economy of India: An Overview in N Chandrasekhara Rao, R Radhakrishna, R K Mishra and K V Reddy (eds.) Organised Retailing and Agribusiness: Implications of the New Supply Chains on the Farm Economy of India." New Delhi. Pp. 1-25, Springer
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara and Dev, S. Mahendra (2015). " Improved Terms of Trade for Agriculture: Results from Revised Methodology. " Vol. 50 (15). pp. 19-22, Economic and Political Weekly
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara etc. (2014). " The Seed and Agricultural Biotechnology Industries in India: An Analysis of Industry Structure, Competition and Policy Options." Food Policy. Vol. 45. pp. 88-100
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara (2013). " Biotechnology for Second Green Revolution in Indian Agriculture." Productivity - Journal of National Productivity Council of India. Vol. 54 (1). Pp. 1-12
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara (2013). " Biotechnology in Indian Agriculture: Evidence from Panel Studies, " in Nilabja Ghosh and C S C Sekhar (eds.) The Future of Indian Agriculture: Technology and Institutions. New Delhi. Pp. 195-232, Academic Foundations
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara (2013). Bt Cotton Yields and Performance: Data and Methodological Issues. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 48 (33). pp. 66-69
- Rao, N Chandrasekhara and Herring, Ronald J. (2012). On the Failure of Bt Cotton: Analysing a Decade of Experience. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 47 (18): 45-53
Working Paper
- Nuthalapati, Chandra S.R. (Jan. 2021). " Has Open Innovation Taken Root in India? Evidence from Startups working in Food Value Chains"
- Nuthalapati, Rao, Chandra Sekhara, Bhatt, Yogesh and Beero, K., Susanto (2020) " Is the Electronic Market the Way Forward to Overcome Market Failures in Agriculture?"
Chapter in Edited Books
- Nuthalapati, Chandra Sekhara Rao (2020), "From Genetic Engineering to Gene Editing: Harnessing Advances in Biology for National Economic Development", in Keswani, Chetan (ed.) Bioeconomy for Sustainable Development, Springer Nature, Singapore