Friday, March 14

Archana Dang

Assistant Professor

    Archana Dang

    Archana Dang is a Assistant Professor(On Contract) at the Institute of Economic Growth. Her current research interests include the economics of health, specifically behavioral economics and overweight and obesity issues in India.  She conducted a primary survey of over 800 households to identify the determinants of burgeoning overnutrition issues. One of Archana's papers got published in Economics and Human Biology. In addition, she has co-authored two book chapters published by ADBI and Springer. She obtained her Ph.D. and Master's in Economics from the Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics.

    Journal Publications 

    Dang, A., Maitra, P., & Menon, N. (2019). “Labor Market Engagement and the Body Mass Index of Working Adults: Evidence from India.” Economics & Human Biology, 33, 58-77. 

    Jain, A., Gupta, P., Anand, S. P. S., & Dang, A. (2016). “Digital Paper Prints as Replacement for LASER Films: A Study of Intra-Observer Agreement for Wrist Radiographic Findings in Rickets. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, JCDR, 10(8), TC11-14. 

    Book Chapters

    Dang, A., Maitra, P., & Menon, N. (2019). “The Geography of Excess Weight in Urban India: Regional Patterns and Labour Market and Dietary Correlates in Amitrajeet A. Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano and Peter Nijkamp, editors, Disease, Human Health, and Regional Growth and Development in Asia, Springer, 47-69.

    Dang, A., & Meenakshi, J. V. (2018).  “The nutrition transition and the intra-household double burden of malnutrition in India” in Helble Matthias and Azusa Sato, editors, Wealthy But Unhealthy: Overweight and Obesity in Asia and the Pacific: Trends, Costs, and Policies for Better Health, Asian Development Bank Institute,15-45.


    Working Papers/Papers Under Submission (Review)

    Obesity and its Impact on COVID Occurrence: Evidence from India (joint with Indrani Gupta) Institute of Economic Growth Working Paper no.430, 2021 (under submission).

    Role of Time Preferences in Explaining the Burden of Malnutrition: Evidence from Urban India. Centre for Development Economics Working Paper no. 309, 2020 (under review).


    Media Publications

    Role of Time Preferences in Explaining the Burden of Malnutrition: Evidence from Urban India – Podcast with Shruti Rajagopalan on Ideas of India, 2021

    Covid-19: Does obesity play a role? – Ideas for India, 2021

    Labor Market Engagement and the Body Mass Index of Working Adults: Evidence from India

    Link to India Spend Article Based on this Research