Brajesh Jha

Brajesh Jha
Section/Unit: Agriculture Economics Research Unit
Research Interests: Development and Agriculture Economics
Brajesh Jha, Professor of Agriculture Economics has more than 25 years of post-Ph.D research experiences in issues related to Agriculture and Rural Development. His substantial work relates to farming system research; risk, uncertainty and sustainability of agriculture; commodity specific analysis of WTO agreements on agriculture; sources of growth in agriculture; supply chain analysis of some agricultural commodities like litchi; employment in agriculture and rural non-farm sectors; activities allied to agriculture, evaluation of price support and rural works programme in India. His works are presented in books, edited volumes, IEG working papers, economic-dailies, monthlies and more than 50 research articles in professional journals.
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- Jha, Brajesh, Deshpande, R.S., Sharma, Vijay Paul, Malik, R.P.S. and Ansari, S.A. Glimpses of Indian Agriculture Academic Foundation
- Jha, Brajesh (co-edited with Deshpande, R.S., Sharma, V.P., and Malik, R.P.S.) Glimpses of Indian Agriculture: Macro and Micro Aspects Academic Foundation
- Jha, Brajesh. (2001) Indian Agriculture and the Multilateral Trading System Bookwell Publishers
- Jha, Brajesh and Tripathi, Amarnath (2017) How Susceptible is India? Food Basket to Climate Change? Social Change Sage India
- Jha, Brajesh and Tripathi , Amarnath. (2011) Isn't Climate Change Affecting Productivity of Wheat in India? Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Jha, Brajesh and Tripathi, Amarnath. (2010) Towards Understanding the Drivers of Agricultural Diversification in India Indian Economic Journal
- Jha, Brajesh Effects of Futures Markets on Agricultural Commodities Takshashila Academia of Economic Research
- Jha, Brajesh Some Evidences on Rural Diversificaation from Selected States and Districts of India Journal of Rural Development
- Jha, Brajesh On Stagnating Employment in Indian Agriculture Manpower Journal
- Jha, Brajesh Was Crop Diversification Responsible for the Recent Food Crisis in India Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. LXV No.8
- Jha, Brajesh Extent of Customs Tariff on Urea after removal of Quantitative Restrictions under WTO Agreement Glimpses of India Agriculture: Macro and Micro Aspects (Vol. I), Academic Foundation
- Jha, Brajesh Implications of Liberalisation for Milk and Milk products in India Glimpses of India Agriculture: Macro and Micro Aspects (Vol. I), Academic Foundation
- Jha, Brajesh On Stagnating employment in Indian Agriculture Manpower Journal
- Jha, Brajesh Some Trends and Evidences on Rural Diversification from Selected States and Districts of India Journal of Rural Development
- Jha, Brajesh Was Crop Diversification Responsible for the Recent Food Crisis in India? Agricultural Situation in India
- Jha, Brajesh Agricultural Wages in India: A State Level Analysis Indian Journal of Labour Economics
- Jha, Brajesh Is the Role of Agriculture in Rural Diversification Decreasing? Indian Journal of Labour Economics
- Jha, Brajesh Rural Non-farm Employment: A Reconnaissance with the NSS Data Agricultural Situation in India
- Jha, Brajesh Implications of Trade Liberalisation for the Livestock Sector Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Jha, Brajesh India's Urea Industry in the Emerging Trade Order Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Jha, Brajesh Liberalisation and Agricultural Prices: Some Disconcerting Trends Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics.58 (2)
- Jha, Brajesh India's Tobacco Exports: Recent Trends, Determinants and Implications Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 57(1)
Working Paper
- Jha, Brajesh (2020) Farmers’ Stress, Income and the role of Non-Farm Business
- Jha, Brajesh (2019) How Efficient is the Price Support Scheme (PSS) for Pulses, Oilseeds, Cotton and Copra?
- Jha, Brajesh (2018) Evaluation of Market Intervention Schemes (MIS) in India
- Jha, Brajesh (2018) Litchi Production and Marketing in Bihar, India
- Jha, Brajesh Policies for Increasing Non-Farm Employment for Farm Households in India
- Jha, Brajesh Drivers of Agricultural Diversification in India, Haryana and the Greenbelt Farms of India
- Jha, Brajesh Pattern of Agricultural Diversification in India
- Jha, Brajesh Evaluating Agricultural Policy In A Farming System Framework: A Case Study From North West India
- Jha, Brajesh Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: Macro-trends, Micro-evidneces and Policy Options
- Jha, Brajesh Employment, Wages and Productivity in Indian Agriculture
- Jha, Brajesh India's Diary Section in the Emerging Trade Order
- Jha, Brajesh (2008) Public Policies and Sustainable Agricultural Development - A Case Study of the Commercialized Agriculture Agricultural Economics Unit
- Jha, Brajesh (2008) Agricultural Diversification in India with Special Reference to Haryana Agricultural Economics Unit
- Jha, Brajesh (2005) Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: A Co-Ordinated Study Agricultural Economics Unit
- Jha, Brajesh (2003) India's Dairy Sector in the Emerging Trade Order Agricultural Economics Unit
- Jha, Brajesh (2001) Extent of Customs Tariff on Urea After Removal of Quantitative Restrictions Agricultural Economics Unit