Oindrila De

Oindrila De
Section : Indian Economic Service Unit
Research Interests : Industrial organization, competition law and policy, applied microeconomics
Bio : I am an applied economist, working at the Indian Economic Service (IES) section of the institute. I teach microeconomics policy issues (international trade, regulation and competition policy, auction design etc.) to the IES probationary officers at IEG. My research interests lie in empirical industrial organization, particularly in regulation and competition law, firm dynamics etc. I have published in national and international journals, contributed to policy documents, led research projects, and disseminated research outputs at academic conferences and policy forums. Before joining IEG, I was a faculty member at Indian Institute of Management Indore. I completed MA from Jawaharlal Nehru University, MPhil from Delhi School of Economics and PhD from University of East Anglia, UK.
Email ID : oindrila@iegindia.org
Ext No : 201
- Bhattacharjea, Aditya, De, Oindrila and Gouri, Geeta (2019) Competition Law and Competition Policy in India: How the Competition Commission has Dealt with Anticompetitive Restraints by Government Entities Review of Industrial Organization
- Bhattacharjea, Aditya and De, Oindrila (2017) Anti-Cartel Regulation in India Journal of Antitrust Enforcement , Vol 5, Issue 2
- Davies, S.W. and De, Oindrila (2013) Ringleaders in Larger number, Asymmetric Cartels The Economic Journal Vol. 123, Issue 572
- Bhattacharjea, Aditya and De, Oindrila (2012) Cartels and the Competition Commission Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 47, Issue 35
- De, Oindrila (2010) Analysis of Cartel Duration: Evidence from EC Prosecuted Cartels International Journal of the Economics of Business