Pravakar Sahoo

Pravakar Sahoo
Section/Unit: Professor in Indian Economic Service Section
Research Interests: Macroeconomics, International Trade & Investment, Development Economics, Infrastructure Development and Public Finance
Professor Pravakar Sahoo teaches Macroeconomics and International Economics to Indian Economic Service (IES) probationers. He has 20 years of teaching and research experience that includes many academic and research institutes such as ICRIER, India; Bruegel, Belgium; East West Center, USA; Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Japan; University of Saitama, Japan; University Antwerp, Belgium; PRI, MoF, Japan; Institute of Developing Economies (IDE), Japan; MSH, France; and RIIO, China. He has wide international exposure and served as a consultant to several national and international organizations. He has work experience on India, South Asia, Japan, Korea, China, US
Email ID : ,
- Sahoo, Pravakar. (2014). Foreign Direct Investment in South Asia: Policy, Impact, Determinants and Challenges. New Delhi, Springer
- Sahoo, Pravakar and C. Y. Ahn (eds.). (2011). India-Korea Dialogue for a 21st Century Partnership. Delhi, Academic Foundation
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bishnoi, Ashwani (Nov 2022). Investment Behaviour in India : What Led to Investment Slowdown and How to Revive It? Economic and Political Weekly
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bishnoi, Ashwani (June 2021). Impact of outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from Asia Journal of Policy Modeling
- Adil, Masudul Hasan, Hatekar, Neeraj and Sahoo, Pravakar (2020). The Impact of Financial Innovation on the Money Demand Function: An Empirical Verification in India. Margin. Vol. 14 (1), 2020.
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Ashwani (2020). COVID 19 and Indian Economy: Impact on growth, manufacturing, trade and MSME sector. Global Business Review. 2020
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2018). India's Credit Ratings: Boost to Investors' Sentiment. Yojana, Journal of Planning Commission (NITI Ayog)
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2018). How the G-20 Lost Its Way, and Efficacy. Deccan Herald. 3rd December, 2018
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Goswami, N and Mazumdar, R (2017). Trade Facilitation: Must for India's Trade Competitiveness. Journal of World Trade. Vol. 51 (2)
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2017). Brexit and Trump's Win: What do they have in common? SADF comment, No.74. Brussels
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2017). From a Cash Economy to a Less-Cash Economy. Yojana, Journal of Planning Commission, GOI.
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, Ranjan Kumar (2017) What Drives India's Services Exports? The World Economy, Vol. 40(2).
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bhunia, Abhirup (2017). China's Manufacturing Success: Lessons for India in Pradeep Agarwal (Ed.), Sustaining India's High Growth, Cambridge University Press
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2016). Foreign Direct Investment in India in David Dyker edited World Scientific Reference in Globalisation on Eurasia and Pacific Rim, Volume 1: Foreign Investment. New Jersey,World Scientific Publishing Co.
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2016) G-20 Summit 2016: High Expectations World Commerce Review
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Goswami, N (2016) Why Exports Processing Units Failed to deliver. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 51 (49)
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2015) True to the Spirit of Federalish (Special Article). Yojana
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bhunia, Abhirup (2015) Reforms: Road to Investment, Employment and Growth Yojana
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2015) Capital Flows and Asset Prices: Empirical Evidence from Emerging and Developing Economies International Economics
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2015) Time to Review the Special Economic Zones Act Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 50, No. 14
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, Ranjan Kumar (2014). India's Surge in Modern Services Export: Empirics for Policy. Journal of Policy Modeling. Vol. 36
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2014) Impact of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) on Indian Infrastructure (On-Line) Police Research Institute , Japan
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2014) BCIM Economic Corridor: Prospects and Challenges (On-Line) eSocialSciences
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2014) Making India an Attractive Investment Destination: Analyzing FDI Policy and Changes. National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR): Trade, Economy and Energy Affairs
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2013) FDI Reforms in India: Steps in the Right Direction Yojana. Vol. 57
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2012) Determinants of FDI in South Asia: Role of Infrastructure, Trade Openness and Reforms Journal of World Investment and Trade, Vol. 13
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2012) India-USA Economic Relations: Opportunities and Challenges Foreign Trade Review, Vol. XLVII, (1)
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2012) China's Growing Economic Relations with South Asia: India's Concerns International Trade Journal
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2012) Foreign Direct Investment in India: Unfinished Agenda Crawford School , Australian National University
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Rahut, D B and Castellanos, I V (2012) Performance of Financial Institutions in Bhutan Asia Pacific Development Journal, UNESCAP
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Das, R and Nataraj, G (2011) China's Growth Story: Role of Physical and Social Infrastructure Journal of Economic Development, vol. 37 (1)
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Taguchi, H and Nataraj, G (2011) Trends in Monetary Autonomy in Selected Asian Economies Journal of Asian Economies, vol. 22
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, R K (2010) Economic Growth in South Asia: Role of Infrastructure Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Australia
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Dash, R K and Nataraj, G (2010) Economic Growth and Infrastructure Development: A Study of China Prof. Kamaiah (ed.), Indian Economy in honour of Prof. D. M. Nachne
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Rai, D K and Kumar, R (2009) Gains from India-Koea CEPA Foreign Trade Review. 44(3)
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, Ranjan Kumar (2009) Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth in India Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 14(4)
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Agrawal, P (2009) Determinants of Saving in India Singapore Economic Review
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Agrawal, P and Dash, R K (2009) Savings Behaviour in South Asia: Further Empirical Evidence Journal of Policy Modeling, 31(2)
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Agrawal, P (2009) Saving Behaviour in Bangladesh Journal of Developing Areas, 42(2)
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Kumar, Rajiv (2009) Efficiency and Futures Trading-price Nexus in Indian Commodity Futures Markets Global Business Review, 10(2)
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2009) FDI in South Asia: Impact on Growth, Investment and Exports Global Economy Journal , Berkley
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2009) Employment Intensity of Public Expenditure during pre and post Reforms Period Indian Economic Journal, 57(2)
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Rai, D K and Agrawal, P (2009) India-Korea Trade and Investment Relations Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). WP No. 242
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Kumar, Rajiv (2008) Impact of Proposed Commodity Transaction Tax on Future Trading in India ICRIER Working Paper No. 216
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2008) Driving Korea-India Ties on Trade and Investment A New National Strategy for Korea (Ed.). The Korea Herald
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Agrawal, Pradeep and Dash, Ranjan (2008) Determinants of Savings in India Singapore Economic Review
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2008) Determianats of FDI in South Asia Pacific Economic Review
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2008) FDI in South Asia: Policy, Trends and Prospects GITAM Journal of International Business
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, Ranjan (2008) Economic Growth in South Asia: Role of Infrastructure
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, Ranjan (2008) Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth in India
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Nayak, Bhibu P (2007) Green Banking in India Indian Economic Journal, Vol.55, 3
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Nataraj, G (2007). Multilaterlism Vs. Regionalism: Implication for India South Asian Journal
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Parida, P (2007) Export-Led Growth Hypothesis in South Asia: A Panel Cointegration Analysis International Economic Journal, Vol.21, No. 2
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2007) India's Textile Exports to USA vis--vis NAFTA ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics No.3
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Sharma, Chandan (2007) Optimal Level of Foreign Exchange Reserves: Evidence for India
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Kumar, R (2006) Organised Sector Employment in India South Asian Journal
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Nataraj, G (2006) A Decade of Trade Reform in India Synergy from JIMS
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2006) FDI in South Asia: Trends, Policy, Impact and Determinants Asian Development Bank Institute Discussion Paper Series, No.56, Tokyo
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2006) India's External Sector: Performance and Prospects ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics, Volume V., No.3
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Nataraj, G (2004) EU Enlargement: Impact on India-EU Trade Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.39, No.19
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2004) FDI and Technology Exports in India ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics ICFAI University, Hyderabad
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2004) Fiscal Federalism in India: A Review Asian Economic Review
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2004) Fiscal Reforms and Economic Growth in India Asian Profile. Vol.32, No. 4, Asian Research Service Centre, Canada
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Agrawal, Pradeep (2003) One Year of China's Accession to WTO: Implication for China and India in the book titled Economic Reforms and Perspective. (ed.) by B. Nagarjuna, in honour of Prof. V.V.N.S. Somayajulu, New Delhi, Serial Publications
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Agrawal, Pradeep (2003) China's Accession to WTO: Implication for China and India Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 38, No. 25
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Nataraj, Geethanjali (2003) Argentina Crisis: Causes and Consequences Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 38, No. 17
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2003) FDI and Export Competitiveness in India In the book titled Economic Reforms and Perspective. B. Nagarjuna, in honour of Prof. V.V.N.S. Somayajulu, NewDelhi, Serial Publications
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Roy, A and Kamaih, B (2001) A Causal Test for Fiscal Synchronization Hypothesis in India ISEC Working Paper Series, No. 54, Bangalore
- Sahoo, Pravakar, Nataraj, G and Kamaith, B (2001) Export-led Growth in India: What Do VARs Reveal Indian Journal of Economics No. 324, Vol.LXXXII, Allahabad
- Sahoo, Pravakar; Nataraj, G and Kamaih, B (2001) Savings, Investment and Growth in India Asian Economic Review. Vol.45, 4, Hyderabad
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2001) Indian Fiscal Federalism: Some Issues since Liberalisation Economic Journal of Nepal
- Sahoo, Pravakar; Nataraj, G and Kamath, B (2001) Savings and Economic Growth in India: Long-Run Nexus Savings and Development, No.1 Vol.XXV. Milan, Italy
- Sahoo, Pravakar (2001) Wagners Law: Further Evidence from India Journal of Indian School of Political Economy
Working Paper
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bishnoi, Ashwani (2021) IMPACT OF OUTWARD FDI: Evidence from Emerging Economies for Policy
- Sahoo, Pravakar; Dash, Ranjan Kumar and Choi, Yoon Jung (July 2021) Do Absorptive Capacities matter for FPI-Growth Nexus? Evidence from Cross-country Analysis
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bishnoi, Ashwani (July 2021) Investment Behavior in India: What led to Investment Slowdown and how to Revive it?
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bishnoi, Ashwani (Aug 2021) Investment Slowdown in India: Role of Fiscal-Monetary policy and Economic Uncertainty
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Bishnoi, Ashwani (Sep. 2021) Drivers of Corporate Investment Slowdown in India: A Firm Level Analysis
- Garg, Bhavesh and Sahoo, Pravakar (Sep. 2021) DO DIFFERENT TYPES OF CAPITAL INFLOWS HAVE DIFFERENTIAL IMPACT ON OUTPUT? Evidence from Time series and Panel Analysis
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Dash, Ranjan Kumar (Nov. 2021) Differential Growth Impact of FDI on LICs, LMICs, and ECs: The Role of Absorptive Capabilities
- Kohli, Renu, Sahoo, Pravakar and Vaid, Serene (2020) G20’s Effectiveness in Turbulent and Normal Times
- Sahoo, Pravakar and Ashwani (2020) COVID-19 AND INDIAN ECONOMY: Impact on Growth, Manufacturing, Trade and MSME sector
- Bishnoi, Ashwani and Sahoo, Pravakar (2020) BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE: Developments, Economic and Strategic Implications
- Adil, Hasan Masudul, Hatekar, Neeraj and Sahoo, Pravakar (2019) The Demand for Money and Financial Innovation: An Empirical Verification in India
- Sahoo, Pravakar China's Manufacturing Success: Lessons for India
- Sahoo, Pravakar Determinants of India's Services Exports
- Sahoo, Pravakar Savings Behaviour in South Asia
- Sahoo, Pravakar Economic Growth in South Asia: Role of Infrastructure
Chapter in Edited Books
- Sahoo, Pravakar(2020) Policy Response to Minimize the Fallout of COVID-19 on Trade and MSMEs AIC-EEPC (2020)