Saudamini Das

Saudamini Das
Saudamini Das is a professor in the Indian Economic Services (IES) Section of the Institute of Economic Growth and was the Institute’s NABARD Chair Professor during 2016-21. She is a fellow of the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Kathmandu, and worked as a Mälar scholar (2011-12) at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. She is a Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy, and Environment (CECFEE) at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi and the global network Environment for Development (EfD) at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research areas are Climate change adaptation, assessment of loss and damage to livelihood due to climate change, valuation of ecosystem services, coastal vulnerability analysis, mangroves, and evaluation of public policy.
She is an Editor for the Elsevier journal "Ecological Economics" and Cambridge University Press Journal "Cambridge Prism: Coastal Futures"
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- Das, Saudamini and Mishra, Ajit (2021). Adequacy of Social Assistance Schemes during the COVID-19 Lockdown: Evidence from Delhi Slums. EPW Vol.LVI, No.51 2021,EPW Vol.LVI, No.51 2021
- Das, Saudamini(2021). Valuing the Role of Mangroves in Storm Damage Reduction in Coastal Areas of Odisha. Climate Change and Community Resilience pp 257-273,Climate Change and Community Resilience pp 257-273
- Das, Saudamini, Nepal, Mani, K. Rai, Rajesh, D. Bhatta, Laxmi and S. Khadayat, Madan (2019). Valuing Water Provisioning Service of Broadleaf and Chir Pine Forests in the Himalayan region. Forest Policy and Economics. Vol. 105, pp 40-51
- Das, Saudamini and Dsouza, Nisha Maria (2019). Identifying the local factors of resilience during cyclone Hudhud and Phailin on the east coast of India. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment. 2019
- Bansal, G. and Das, Saudamini (2018). Why Coping Cost is An Underestimate of Willingness to Pay? Some Theoretical Explanations Based on Forest Water Link. Applied Economics & Business, 2018. Vol. 2(2), 1-14
- Das, Saudamini (2018). Unfounded Assumptions in Linking Crop-Damaging Temperature and Suicide in India. (Letter) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Vol. 115, No. 2 E116
- Nepal, Mani, Rai, Rajesh K., Das, Saudamini, Bhatta, Laxmi D., Kotru, Rajan, Khadayat, Madan S., Rawal, Ranbeer S. and Negi, G.C.S. (2018). Valuing Cultural Services of the Kailash Sacred Landscape for Sustainable Management. Sustainability, 10, 3638; DOI: 10.3390/su10103638
- Das, Saudamini (2019). Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation through Evacuation Decisions: A Case Study of Cyclone Management in India. Climatic Change, 152(2): 291-305. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-018-2292-1
- Das, Saudamini, Mitra, Arup and Kumar, Rajnish (2017). Do Neighbourhood Facilities Matter for Slum Housing? Evidence from Indian Slum Clusters. Urban Studies, 54(8), pp. 1887-1904, 1-17. DOI: 10.1177/0042098016634578
- Das, Saudamini (2017). Ecological Restoration and Livelihood: Contribution of Planted Mangroves as Nursery and Habitat for Artisanal and Commercial Fishery. World Development, 94, pp. 492-502
- Das, Saudamini (2017). Moderating the Impacts of Extreme Weather Like Heat Waves Through Public Awareness Campaign. Public Administration Review, Climate Change Symposium, July, 2017
- Rai, Rajesh K., Nepal, Mani, Bhatta, Laxmi D., Das, Saudamini, Khadayat, Madan S., Somanathan, E. and Baral, Kedar (2017). Ensuring Water Availability to Water Users Through Incentive Payment for Ecosystem Services Scheme: A Case Study in a Small Hilly Town of Nepal. Water Economics and Policy. (Online Ready)
- Das, Saudamini (2016). Television is More Effective in Bringing Behavioral Change: Evidence from Heat-Wave Awareness Campaign in India. World Development, Vol. 88, pp. 107-121, 2016 0305-750X
- Das, Saudamini (2015). Temperature Increase, Labour Supply and Cost of Adaptation in Developing Economies: Evidence on Urban Wrokers in Informal Sectors. Climate Change Economics, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1550007-31
- Das, Saudamini (2014). Role of Exotic Vegetation in Coastal Protection: An Investigation into the Ecosystem Services of Causariana in Odisha. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIX, No. 1, pp. 42-50
- Das, Saudamini and Crépin, A.-S. (2013). Mangroves Can Provide Protection Against Wind Damage During Storms. Estuarine, Coastal and shelf Science. Vol. 134, 2013
- Das, Saudamini and Chopra, Kanchan (2012). Towards 'Green Growth': Measuring the Trade-off between Conservation of Protected Areas and Hydel Power Generation. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVII(51): 59-68
- Das, Saudamini and Smith, Stephen C. (2012). Awareness as an Adaptation Strategy for Reducing Mortality from Heat Waves: Evidence from a Disaster Risk Management Program in India. Climate Change Economics, Vol. 3(2), 1250010-39. DOI: 10.1142/S2010007812500108
- Das, Saudamini (2012). The Role of Natural Ecosystem and Socio-economic Factors in the Vulnerability of Coastal Villages to Cyclones and Storm Surge. Natural Hazards, Vol. 64, 531-546. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-012-0255-9
- Das, Saudamini (2011). Examining the Storm Protection Services of Mangroves of Orissa during the 1999 Cyclone. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVI, No. 24, pp. 60-68
- Vincent, Jeffrey R. and Das, Saudamini (2009). Reply to Baird et al - Mangroves and Storm Protection. Getting the Numbers Right. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Vol. 106, No. 40, E112 (letter on line)
- Das, Saudamini and Vincent, Jeffrey R. (2009). Mangroves Protected Villages and Reduced Death Toll During Indian Super Cyclone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Vol. 106, No. 18, pp. 7357-7360