Suresh Sharma

Suresh Sharma
Section/Unit: Population Research Centre
Research Interests: Reproductive & Child Health, Family Planning, Nutrition, Ageing, Tribal Health and Population Studies
Dr. Suresh Sharma Head, Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi has 29 years of research experience. He specializes in the areas of reproductive and child health, family planning, and population studies. He has authored Seven Books, published several research articles in international journals on population and health issues, and more than 197 districts report under RCH project and NRHM. He was director in Large Survey: (RCH) and (NFHS), funded by (MoHFW, GOI), India.
Email ID :,
Mobile No.9818840955
- Sharma, Suresh, Gupt, Yamini and Kaur, Gagandeep (2017) Reproductive Health of Adolescent in Delhi Slums Synergy Books India
- Sharma, Suresh (2016) Demographic Challenges in India Athena Academic; 1st edition
- Sharma, Suresh (ed.) (2015) Maternal and Child Health in India: Policies and Challenges. Delhi, Bookwell
- Sharma, Suresh and Joe, William (2014) National Rural Health Mission: An unfinished agenda New Delhi, Bookwell
- Ghosh, Nilabja, Sabyasachi Kar and Suresh Sharma. (2009) Growing Rural Urban Disparity in Uttarakhand New Delhi, Serials Publications
- Gulati, S.C, Tyagi, R.P. and Sharma, Suresh (2003) Reproductive Health in Delhi Slums Delhi, B.R.Publishing Corporation
- Sharma, Suresh (2001) Health Problems of Rural Population in India APH Publishing Corporation
Journal Articles
- Kulshreshtha, Devanshi and Sharma, Suresh (2019) Gender Differentials in Economic Security and Functional Health Status of Elderly in India IER Journal of Health and Demography, Vol. 4(2)
- Sharma, Suresh and Bothra, Manish (2018) Changing Demographics & Dementia: A Reflection on the Challenges Ahead for India Nursing and Health Care, Vol. 2, Issue 1
- Sharma, Suresh and George, Anupama (2017) Neonatal Mortality Rate Projection: Will Indian States Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3? International Journal of Development Research
- Sharma, Suresh and Bothra, Manish (2017) Health Expenditure and Its Repercussions on Health Status - An analysis of South Asian Countries International Journal of Current Research. Vol. 9
- Sharma, Suresh (2017) India and Roadmap towards Sustainable Development Goal 3: Achievements and Challenges International Journal of Advanced Research International Journal
- Sharma, Suresh (2016) Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram and Its Repercussions on Out Of Pocket Expenditure International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7
- Sharma, Suresh (2015) Impact and Utilization of Transport System on Institutional Deliveries in Delhi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.- 5
- Sharma, Suresh (2015) Impact of ANC checkups on Institutional Deliveries in Delhi International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, Volume 5
- Sharma, Suresh (2013) Contraceptive Choices among Indian Women: Is the Role of Women's Education Overemphasized? International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4
- Sharma, Suresh (2012) What Do Indian Muslim women Know of contraception? Examining the counterintuitive Australian Multicultural Interaction Institute
- Sharma, Suresh (2012) Modern and Traditional Contraceptive choices for Muslim Women in India International Journal of Physical and Social Science
- Sharma, Suresh (2012) Contraceptive Use among Adolescent Women in Rajasthan International Referred Research Journal
- Sharma, Suresh (2012) Are Muslim Women Behind in their Knowledge and Use of Contraception in India? Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
- Sharma, Suresh Contraceptive Practices among Married Women in Delhi Journal of Health and Population Perspectives
- Sharma, Suresh Contraceptive use among women in Delhi: Role of education Indian Journal of Population Education
- Sharma, Suresh (2011) Determinants of Child Malnutrition and feeding Practices in India Journal of Human Development, Vol. 3(1)
- Sharma, Suresh (2011) Degree of Pervasiveness of Traditional Contraception in India Multidisciplinary Quarterly Journal
- Sharma, Suresh (2011) Influence of Domestic Violence on Women Health and Child Nutrition in India: Evidence from NFHS-3 Data Health, Environment and Sustainable Development: Perspectives and Issues, Chapter 20, Serials Publications
- Sharma, Suresh Impact of Intensive School-Based Nutrition Education and Lifestyle Interventions on Insulin Resistance, B-Cell Function, Disposition Index, and Sub clinical Inflammation among Asian India Adolescents: A Controlled Intervention Study Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Kar, Sabyasachi and Sharma, Suresh. (2010) Inequalities of Income Opportunity in a Hilly State: A study of Uttarakhand F. Ram, T.V. Sekhar et. al. (eds.), Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand. Delhi, Academic Foundation
- Ghosh, Nilabja and Sharma, Suresh. (2010) Education for all in Rural Himalayas: A Study of Uttarkhand F. Ram, T.V. Sekhar et. al. (eds.), Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand. Delhi, Academic Foundation
- Sharma, Suresh (2010) Childhood Mortality and Health in India S.C. Gulati (ed.), Population, Health and Human Resources in India's Development, Academic Foundation
- Sharma, Suresh (2010) Education MDG: Is India expected to achieve its targeted goal and how'? Moneer Alam and Armando Barrientos (eds.), Demographics, Employment and Old Age Security: Emerging Trends in South Asia, Macmillan India
- Bhavani, T A and Tendulkar, Suresh D. (2009) Politial Economy of Post-1991 Reforms B. Sudhakara Reddy (ed.), Economic Reforms in India and China: Emerging Issues and Challenges, Sage Publications
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Kar, Sabyasachi and Sharma, Suresh Inequalities of Income Opportunity in a Hilly State: A Study of Uttarakhand F. Ram, T.V. Sekhar et. al. (eds.), Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand (Academic Foundation: Delhi)
- Sharma, Suresh Family Planning Methods and Programs in India Reproductive Health and Management (Akansha Publishing House: New Delhi)
- Sharma, Suresh Sex Differentials in Child Health and Nutritional Status in India Journal of Empirical Research in Social Science (JERSS)
- Sharma, Suresh and Ghosh, Nilabja Progress of School Education, Gender and Imbalances: The Case of Uttarakhand State in India Demography India
- Gulati, S C and Sharma, Suresh Women's Reproductive Tract Infections in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal Demography India
- Sharma, Suresh and Gulati, S C Reproductive and Child Health Status In India: District Level Analysis Indian Journal of Regional Science. 36(1)
- Sharma, Suresh and Gulati, S C. Women's Reproductive Tract Infections in Uttar Pradesh & Uttaranchal Demography India
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra and Gulati, S C Fertility and RCH Status in Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh: District Level Analysis Department of Health and Family Welfare Government of Uttaranchal, Dehrandun
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Prevalence of Symptomatic Electrocardiographicy Abnormalities in a Rural Population Journal Association Physician India. 40(3)
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Prevalence Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Risk Factor in an Urban Population of Rajasthan Indian Heart Journal
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Smoking and Alcohol in take in a Urban India Population and Correlation with Lifestyle Variables and Coronary Heart Disease Journal Association Physician India. 43(4)
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra An Epidemiological Study in Nagaur District of Rajasthan: Major Risk Factors and Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease Journal Association Physician
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Coronary Heart Disease and Coronary Risk Factor Prevalence in Rural Rajasthan Journal Association Physician India. 42(1)
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Influence of Cessation of Smoking on Long Term Mortality in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Indian Heart Journal. 45 (2)
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Prevalence and Determinants of Coronary Heart Disease in a Rural Population Indian Heart Journal
Review Articles
- Sharma, Suresh Chandra Mission Indradhanush: Progress and Constraints Kurukshetra. Vol. 64 (11)
Working Paper
- Sharma, Suresh and Chaudhary, Jyoti (Jan. 2022) . Association between Time Use Behaviour and Health and Well Being among Elderly: Evidence from the Longitudinal Ageing Study of India
- Sharma, Suresh and Singh, Ankita (2020) Importance of Scholarship Scheme in Higher Education for Students from the Deprived Sections
- Sharma, Suresh and Sharma, Vandana(2020) Efficiency Assessment of Maternal health services in the Aspirational Districts of EAG states in India: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
- Sharma, Suresh (2018) Will India and its States Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3? Role of the National Health Mission
- Sharma, Suresh and Saini, Jyoti (2016) Impact of Antenatal Check-ups on Institutional Deliveries in Delhi
- Sharma, Suresh and Bothra, Manisha (2016) Maternal and Child Healthcare: An Analysis of Out-of-pocket Expenditure under the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram
- Sharma, Suresh and Pandey, Shruti (2016) Utilisation and Impact of Referral Transport System on Institutional Deliveries in Delhi
- Joe, William, Sri, B. Subha , Sharma, Jyotsna, Shanta, Y. Manasa and Sharma, Suresh (2015) Strategies for Safe Motherhood in Tamil Nadu: A Note
- Joe, William, Sharma, Suresh, Sharma, Jyotsna, Shanta, Y. Manasa, Ramanathan, Mala, Mishra, Udaya Shankar and Sri, B. Subha (2015). Maternal Mortality in India: A Review of Trends and Patterns
- Sharma, Suresh Literacy and School Attendance in India
- Sharma, Suresh Childhood Mortality and Health in India
- Sharma, Suresh Inequalities of Income Opportunity in a Hilly State: A Study of Uttarakhand
- Sharma, Suresh Education for All: A Case of Rural Himalayan
- Sharma, Suresh Immunization Coverage in India
- Sharma, Suresh Child Health and Nutritional Status of Children: The Role of Sex Differentials
- Sharma, Suresh Fertility and RCH Status in Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh: A District Level Analysis
Chapter in Edited Books
- Sharma, Suresh Unsafe Abortions in India; Is MTP Act propitious enough? Book well
- Sharma, Suresh National Rural Health Mission: An Unfinished Agenda Bookwell New Delhi
- Sharma, Suresh Child Malnutrition and feeding Practices in India's Population and Reproductive Health: Perspectives and Issues Hindustan Publishing corp
- Sharma, Suresh and Sarkar, Gargee (2018) A Report on Monitoring of Important Components of NHM Programme Implementation in ALIGARH District, Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission. PRC (IEG): Delhi
- Sharma, Suresh and Sharma, Vandana (July 2018) A Report on Monitoring of Important Components of NHM Programme Implementation in ALMORA District, Uttarakhand National Health Mission. PRC (IEG): Delhi
- Sharma, Suresh and Chaudhary, Jyoti (Aug 2018) A Report on Monitoring of Important Components of NHM Programme Implementation in HATHRAS District, Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission. PRC (IEG): Delhi
- Sharma, Suresh and Sharma, Vandana (2018) A Report on Monitoring of Important Components of NHM Programme Implementation in NAINITAL District, Uttarakhand National Health Mission. PRC (IEG)
- Sharma, Suresh and Chaudhary, Jyoti (2017) Analysing the Experience, Knowledge and Challenges of ASHAs Regarding Newborn and Child Health: A Case Study of Uttarakhand Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Chaudhary, Jyoti (2017) Prevalence and Risk Factors of Pregnancy Wastage Among Women in India Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Kulshreshtha, Devanshi (2017) Gender Differentials in Economic Security & Functional Health Status Among Elderly in India Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Joe, William (2016) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on South District of Sikkim Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh, Jain, Chavi and Singh, Sangam (2016) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on Pratapgarh District of U.P. Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Bothra, Manish (2015) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on East District of Sikkim Social Change & Social Structure
- Suresh, Sharma, Jatiani, Shailja and Singh, Sangam (2015) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on Mohoba District of U.P. Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Jain, Chavi (2015) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on West Delhi District Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Bothra, Manish (2015) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on South Delhi District Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Jain, Chavi (2015) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on Shahdara District of Delhi Social Change & Social Structure
- Sharma, Suresh and Sikri, Deepti (2015) Monitoring of Important Components of NRHM: A Report on New Delhi District Social Change & Social Structure