Wednesday, March 26

Suresh Sharma


    Suresh Sharma

    Section/Unit: Population Research Centre

    Research Interests: Reproductive & Child Health, Family Planning, Nutrition, Ageing, Tribal Health and Population Studies

    Dr. Suresh Sharma Head, Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi has 29 years of research experience. He specializes in the areas of reproductive and child health, family planning, and population studies. He has authored Seven Books, published several research articles in international journals on population and health issues, and more than 197 districts report under RCH project and NRHM.  He was director in Large Survey: (RCH) and (NFHS), funded by (MoHFW, GOI), India.

    Email ID :,
    Mobile No.9818840955

    Journal Articles

    Review Articles

    Working Paper

    Chapter in Edited Books