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Research Theme
Agricultural and Rural Development
Medium-term Vision for Research in AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Studies Completed at AERU,IEG The theme of agriculture and rural development was accorded high importance ever since the inception of the institute. Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has been the main funding agencies for researches in the above theme. Read More I. RETROSPECT – THE LAST FIVE YEARS (2002-2006) Medium-term Vision for Research in AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT The theme of agriculture and rural development was accorded high importance ever since the inception of the institute. Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has been the main funding agencies for researches in the above theme. I. RETROSPECT – THE LAST FIVE YEARS (2002-2006) Researches in the above theme encompass wide area of issues related to agriculture and rural development. The IEG has been contributing significantly to the ongoing debate on sustainable agricultural development; this tradition continued in the recent past even after initiating a separate theme on Environmental Economics in the institute. Pattern of growth in agriculture its sources, determinants and implications have been drawing attention of researchers of this institute from time to time; these issues were visited during the recent period as well. Several studies have assessed trade related…
Environmental and Natural Resources
I. Retrospect Environmental and Natural Resource Economics was identified as a separate theme of research at IEG only towards the later part of the decade of the nineteen-eighties. However, a substantial part of IEG’s work in the early eighties focused on non-renewable resources such as coal, iron ore, petroleum and oil. Irrigation and water management, solar, biogas and renewable energy technologies also claimed the attention of the researchers. While this work can now be seen as the precursor of later developments under the theme, it was undertaken in the context of planning and agricultural development, The nineteen- eighties witnessed the emergence of two concurrent trends: interest in forest related issues such as the wood fuel crisis and in participatory and decentralised planning processes. Simultaneously, industrial pollution, its abatement and collective action in different areas of environment management were also studied. Research on these aspects led to more specialised and in-depth studies in the following areas in the nineties: Read More • Valuation and natural resource accounting, in particular application of new techniques such as contingent valuation to primary data sets, • Analysis of pollution abatement, related costs and institutional arrangements, • Ecological economic modeling , • Environment and development ,…
Globalization and Trade
In the last ten years, several books and a large number of research papers were published under the theme, Globalisation and Trade. The research papers were published in journals such as The Journal of Development Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Development Economics, Applied Economics, Journal of International and Area Studies, Journal of Developing Areas, The Information Society, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, and Economic and Political Weekly. Read More Over time, the focus of the research has become wider. At one stage, the bulk of the research was on issues relating to technology transfer and multinational enterprises. The coverage was subsequently broadened to include trade and emerging issues of World Trade Organization (WTO). It was also felt that the research on globalization should cover economic and social conflicts on account of globalisation both within the economy and externally, and cross-country experiences on globalisation. The studies carried out in the last ten years can be grouped under the following heads: Global Business, Multinational Enterprises and Technology Transfer. The following issues were studied: the kind of foreign direct investments (FDI) that countries like India are likely to attract in the WTO regime; role of FDI in research and development (R&D);…
Health Economics and Policy
The Health Policy Research Unit (HPRU) was set up in 1998, to consolidate, continue, and significantly expand the research in the area of health economics and policy in IEG. Read More The objective of HPRU is to carry out research that is directly relevant to the changing health scenario in India, and the focus is on topics that either are currently of interest to policymakers, or should be brought to their notice. Thus, the past as well as future research agenda is an amalgam of current topics of interest, as well as new areas where changes are anticipated. The aim continues to be to build up a strong world-class research expertise, to do collaborative research across organizations, institutes, states as well as countries, and to inform policymaking in priority areas. Some of the major research in HPRU has been in the following broad areas: (i) Health and poverty, with a focus on human development (ii) Health issues of vulnerable populations like the elderly, adolescents, women (iii) Health financing: alternative modes as well as for specific areas like immunization (iv) Health insurance in the context of universal coverage and analysis of alternative modes – social, voluntary and community health insurance (v)…
Industry and Development
The IEG has been a major center of research on Indian industry since its inception. Industry research at IEG covered a wide range of themes – from small industry to multinational corporations, from employment & efficiency to environment & information technology, at different levels of aggregation – firm/industry level to regional/ national level. Some of the major areas that have been researched extensively at the Institute are: small industry, corporate investment, technology and research and development, employment and productivity. Research at the Institute has always been applied and policy-oriented and focus has on the issues of contemporary relevance. Read More Studies done in the early phases covered small-scale industries, petroleum, cotton and jute textiles, pricing policy for cement, sugar and cotton, location of sugar and fertilizer factories, and wages and productivity in major industries. In the next phase, the 1970s, the focus was mainly on corporate investment, and multinationals and conglomerates. In the 1980s, diverse aspects of Indian industry were covered, with industrial productivity/efficiency receiving prime attention. Industry research undertaken at the IEG in the 1990s and later has been far more varied than that in the 1980s. A large part of the industry research at the IEG in this…
Employment, Labour and Informal Sector
A large body of research has been pursued at the Institute of Economic Growth on issues relating to labour market, employment, unemployment, underemployment and low productivity employment in the informal sector, standard of living and poverty, social capital, population and income mobility, urban slums, basic amenities and housing and many other aspects of urban development. Read More This is the most recent one to be added to the list of research themes of IEG. It was listed as a separate theme because special attention needs to be given to the problems of poverty, unemployment and other emerging social and economic conflicts in the context of economic reforms and growth. Studies Completed in the Past Some of the research issues pursued by the IEG faculty can be summarised under the following broad areas. (i) Employment, Poverty and Quality of Life:Employment growth and patterns at the national and regional level; incidence of poverty at the national level, its variation across states and factors influencing it; employment generation in the broad sectors like industry and agriculture, and their differences in productivity and wages; impact of employment on the incidence of poverty; rural-urban and gender disparities in obtaining employment; and the provision of basic…
Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
Macroeconomic analysis has a long tradition in the Institute and some of the most eminent members of the faculty have undertaken research in this area in the past. Currently, the Development Planning Centre (DPC) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Endowment Unit of the Institute specialize in macroeconomic research. The focus of macroeconomic research at IEG is to carry out in-depth analysis of relevant macro issues for India and other developing countries, and to develop macro-models of the Indian economy. Read More The Development Planning Centre (DPC) specializes in macro-econometric analysis with special expertise in building macro-models, which are used for the analysis of macroeconomic behaviour and policy and for providing forecasts. This research programme was greatly stimulated after India began to implement the structural adjustment program in 1991. Since then, the research on macroeconomics has widened its scope from domestic closed economy models to open economy macro models. The models and analysis also began to focus more and more on the market-determined behaviour of the exchange rate, interest rate, private investment and foreign trade. The techniques of analysis have also been constantly updated. The simple regression analysis has been extended to structural macro modeling, time series analysis, co-integration, vector…
Population and Human Resources
I. Background and Evolution Research Professor V.K.R.V.Rao, a visionary and founder of the Institute of Economic Growth, had strong conviction about the relevance of demographic research for evolving the country’s development perspective. Having had this conviction, Professor Rao has advised Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru in early fifties to constitute a committee with its mandate to provide an institutional framework for the development of research on population and its socio-economic dimensions. Professor Rao was subsequently asked to serve this Committee along with Professor P.C. Mahalanobis and Professor.D.R.Gadgil. Four Demographic Research Centers (DRCs) were established on the recommendation of this committee in all the four corners of the country, and the Demographic Research Centre of the Institute of Economic Growth, which was later renamed as the Population Research Centre (PRC) in 1972, was one of them. Read More Veterans including Professors Rao and B.N.Ganguli had initially designed the core research areas of Delhi PRC. These two and their successors including P.B. Desai, S.N. Agarwala, Ashish Bose, D.B. Gupta laid major emphasis to undertake studies featuring issues relating to both qualitative and quantitative aspects of population. Underlying spatial variations in fertility behavior and access to primary health services in rural areas were also accorded…
Social Change and Social Structure
I. Retrospect The Social Change and Social Structure (or the Sociology) Unit has evolved out of the UNESCO’s Asian Region Centre, which was merged with the IEG to form an Asian Research Centre in 1967. With the phasing out of UNESCO support, this Centre was converted into the ‘Social Change and Social Structure’ Unit of the IEG in 1974, and has since been funded by the ICSSR’s Maintenance and Development Grant to the Institute.The Unit presently has three full-time members, each with diverse research interests information on which can be found on their respective web pages. Read More Over the last three decades, the Unit has conducted research on a wide range of topics including: The comparative study of development, especially its cultural and political aspects Communalism and ethnic conflict; processes of rural transformation The emergence of professionals and other middle class elites The dynamics of religion, secularism and modernisation Social policy in respect to education Urbanisation and health The changing role of social institutions such as the family Contemporary media networks Gender relations Urban studies Social ecology and environment While work on other Asian societies was prominent at the time when the Asian Research Centre was active, the current…
Research Unit
Agricultural Economics Unit
Development Planning Centre
Environment and Resource Economics Unit
Health Policy Research Unit
IES Training Section
Population Research Centre
RBI Endowment Unit
Social Change and Social Structure Unit
Tata Chair Unit
HDFC Chair Unit
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Agricultural and Rural Development
Environmental and Natural Resources
Globalization and Trade
Health Economics and Policy
Industry and Development
Employment, Labour and Informal Sector
Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
Population and Human Resources
Social Change and Social Structure
IEG Insights
IEG Insights
Health Economics and Policy
Agricultural and Rural Development
Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
IEG Insights
Health Economics and Policy
Agricultural and Rural Development
Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
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June, 2020