Indrani Gupta

Indrani Gupta
Indrani Gupta is Professor and Head, Health Policy Research Unit (HPRU) at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. HPRU - set up by her in 1998 - is the first of its kind in India. It remains among the few places in the country India that conducts policy-oriented research on the health sector using tools of economic analysis.
Professor Gupta’s work experience includes teaching and positions at academic institutes, the World Bank and the Government of India. Her areas of interest cover a wide range of topics in the area of health economics and policy, including demand for health and health care, health insurance and financing, poverty and health, costing and cost-effectiveness, economics of diseases, and international agreements.
She has a PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park, USA and a Masters in Economics from the University of Delhi.
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- Gupta, Indrani India’s Economy and Growth: Essays in Honour of VKRV Rao Sage Publication
- Gupta, Indrani Understanding HIV and Development: An Analysis from Bellary District in Karnataka UNDP
- Gupta, Indrani, Trivedi, Mayur and Subodh, Kandamuthan (2007) Adoption of Health Technologies in India: Implications for the AIDS Vaccine Sage Publications, New Delhi
- Over, Mead and Gupta, Indrani (2005) HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention in India: Modeling the Costs and Consequences World Bank, Washington
- Over, Mead, Heywood, Peter, Gold, Julian, Gupta, Indrani, Hira, Subhash and Marseille, Elliot (2004) HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention in India: Modeling the Costs and Consequences World Bank
- Ray, R., Gupta, I., Dutt, D., Dhawan, A. and Sharma, H.K. (2001) Illegal Drug Market in Delhi AIIMS, New Delhi
- Indrani Gupta & Avantika Ranjan Health Investments to Reduce Health Inequities in India: Do We Need More Evidence? CASTE: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion, 3(22), 2022
- Cookson, Richard, Doran, Tim, Asaria, Miqdad, Gupta, Indrani and Mujica, Fiorella Parra (2021) The inverse care law re-examined: a global perspective The Lancet, Vol 397
- Gupta, Indrani, and Barman, Kanksha Health, Development, and HIV in India Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. Oxford University Press, 2016
- Gupta, Indrani & Damini Singh Cost-effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy: A systematic review Indian Journal of Public Health
- Gupta, Indrani (2020) Relying on serendipity is not enough: Building a resilient health sector in India Indian Economic Review, Springer
- Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, Samik, Roy, Abhijit and Ramandeep (2020) Ayushman Bharat : Costs and Finances of the Prime Minister’s Jan Arogya Yojana EPW Vol. 55, Issue No. 36
- Gupta Indrani, Baru R Economics & ethics of the COVID-19 vaccine: How prepared are we? Indian Journal Med Res
- Bukhman, Gene, O Mocumbi, Ana and Gupta, Indrani (2020) The Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission: bridging a gap in universal health coverage for the poorest billion The Lancet
- Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, Samik and Ranjan, Avantika(2020) Health Investment Priorities in India: A New Methodology-based Analysis of State Budgets Journal of Health Management. Sage
- Shankar, Prinja, Bahuguna, Pankaj, Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, Samik and Trivedi, Mayur (2019) Role of Insurance in Determining Utilization of Healthcare and Financial Risk Protection in India PLoS ONE
- Shankar Prinja, Atul Sharma, Indrani Gupta, Samik Chowdhury and Mayur Trivedi (2019) Designing a Framework for Benefit Packages: Achieving Universal Health Coverage in India Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54, Issue No. 30
- Gupta, Indrani and Ranjan, Avantika (2019) Public expenditure on Non-Communicable Diseases & Injuries in India: A budget-based analysis PLoS ONE
- Gupta, Indrani and Roy, Abhijit (2019) What will determine the costs of Prime Minister’s Jan Arogya Yojana? Ideas for India
- Gupta, Indrani and Roy, Arjun (2018) Economic Studies on Non-Communicable Diseases and Injuries in India: A Systematic Review Journal of Applied Health Economics and Policy
- Chowdhury, Samik, Gupta, Indrani Trivedi, Mayur and Prinka, Shankar (2018) Inequity and Burden of Out-of-pocket Spending: District Level Evidences from India Indian Journal of Medical Research
- Gupta, Indrani, Batra, Akansha and Mukhopadhyay, Abhiroop (2017) Gender Differences in Health Expenditure of Rural Cancer Patients: Evidence from a Public Tertiary Care Facility in India Journal of Quantitative Economics
- Chowdhury, Samik, Gupta, Indrani, Prinja, Shankar and Trivedi, Mayur (2017) Does Access to Basic Amenities Influence Health Status? Evidence from a Household Survey in Three States of India Journal of Infrastructure Development
- Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, Samik, Trivedi, Mayur and Prinja, Shankar (2017) Do Health Coverage Schemes ensure Financial Protection from Hospitalization Expenses? Evidence from Eight Districts in India Journal of Social and Economic Development
- Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, S, Prinja, S and Trivedi, M (2016) Out-of-Pocket Spending on Out-Patient Care in India: Assessment and Options Based on Results from a District Level Survey PLoS One
- Gupta, Indrani, and Mondal, S (2016) Does Elderly Health Impact Poverty? Evidence from India Policy Challenges from Demographic Change in China and India by Karen Eggleston (ed.). Stanford CA: Shorenstein Asia- Pacific Research Center
- Gupta, Indrani and Guin, Pradeep (2015) Health Status and Access to health Services in Indian Slums Health. Vol. 7 (2), Scientific Research Publishing
- Gupta, Indrani and Mondal, S. (2015) Urban Health in India: Who is Responsible? The International Journal of Health Planning and Management. Vol. 30, Issue 3
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2014) Correlates of Out-of-Pocket Spending in Nepal: Implications for Policy South East Asia Journal of Public Health
- Gupta, Indrani and Mondal, S (2014) Health Spending, Macroeconomics and Fiscal Space: A study of SEAR Countries South East Asia Journal of Public Health
- Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, S and Patra, N (2014) Essential Health Package for India: Approach and Costing Report submitted to the Fourteenth Finance Commission
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2014) Public Financing for Health Coverage in India: Who Spends, Who Benefits and what Cost Economic and Political Weekly
- Bindoria, S.V., Devkar, R., Gupta, I., et al. (2014) Development and pilot testing of HIV screening program integration within public/primary heath centres providing antenatal care services in Maharasthra, India BMC Research Notes
- Gupta, Indrani and Guin, Pradeep (2015) Health Status and Access to health Services in Indian Slums Health. Vol. 7 (2), Scientific Research Publishing
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi, Mayur (2014) Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance Among HIV-Positive Patients in India Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2014) Economic Burden of Malaria in India: Need for Effective Spending South East Asia Journal of Public Health
- Gupta, Indrani and Mondal, S (2013) Fiscal Space for Health Spending in South East Asia Journal of Health Care Finance. Vol. 39
- Gupta, Indrani and Joe, William (2013) Refining estimates of catastrophic healthcare expenditure: An application in the Indian Context International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
- Gupta, Indrani and Mondal, Swadhin (2013) How Costly Is Safe Sex? An Economic Analysis of the Commercial Sex Market in India Global Health Perspectives. Vol. 1, No. 1
- Gupta, Indrani, Guin, Pradeep and Trivedi, Mayur (2013) The new patent regime and disease priorities in India Global Public Health. Vol. 8 (1)
- Gupta, Indrani, Joe, William and Rudra, Shalini (2013) HIV Prevention: Towards a Structural-Plus Approach Health. Vol. 5 (1)
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi, Mayur (2012) HIV Insurability in India: Early History and Current Status Journal of Health Management. Vol. 14 (4)
- Gupta, Indrani and Guin, Pradeep (2010) Communicable Diseases in the South-East Asia Region of the World Health Organization: Towards a More Effective Response Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Vol. 88(3)
- Gupta, Indrani Child Labour and HIV AIDS in India Hugh Hindman and M.E. Sharpe (eds.), World of Child Labour: An Historical and Regional Survey
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi,Mayur The slow decline in the Infant Mortality Rate in India: can governance be an explanation? Journal of Health and Development
- Gupta, Indrani and Sarna, A Adherence to antiretroviral therapy and its determinants amongst HIV patients in India Indian Journal of Medical Research 127(1)
- Gupta, Indrani and Mahendra V S. Understanding and Measuring AIDS-related Stigma in Health Care Settings: A Developing Country's Perspective Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS
- Gupta, Indrani Willingness to Pay for Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Positive Individuals in India Forum for Health Economics & Policy
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi, Mayur Health Insurance: Beyond a piecemeal approach Economic and Political Weekly
- Gupta, Indrani and Sarna, A. Examining Adherence and Sexual Behaviour among Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in India Horizon's/Population Council. New Delhi
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi, Mayur Social Health Insurance Redefined: Health for All through Coverage for All Economic and Political Weekly
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi, Mayur Health Cover for All: The State of Voluntary Health Insurance in India Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Journal
- Gupta, Indrani and Trivedi, Mayur Social Health Insurance: India Social Health Insurance: Selected Case Studies from Asia and the Pacific, SEARO Regional Publication No. 42, WHO
- Goldar, B N and Gupta, Indrani Commercial Presence in the Hospital Sector under GATS: A Case Study of India Journal of International and Area Studies
- Gupta, Indrani and Mitra, Arup Economic Growth, Health and Poverty: An Exploratory Study for India Development Policy Review
- Gupta, Indrani and Goldar, B N. Commercial Presence in the Hospital Sector under GATS: A Case Study of India Journal of International and Area Studies
- Gupta, Indrani Access to Antiretroviral Treatment: What Role can Health Insurance Play in India? Population Council
- Gupta, Indrani and Sankar, D. Tobacco Consumption in India: A New Look Using Data from NSS Journal of Public Health Policy
- Gupta, Indrani and Shankar, D. Medical Attention at Death: Evidence from India Journal of Health Management
- Gupta, Indrani, Trivedi, Mayur and Roy, Abhijit. Third Party Administrators: Theory and Practice Economic and Political Weekly. 39 (28)
- Mitra, Arup and Gupta, Indrani Growth, Health and Poverty: An Exploratory Study of Indian States Development Policy Review
- Rao, V; Gupta, Indrani; Loshkin, M and Jana, S. Sex Workers and the Cost of Safe Sex: The Compensating Differential for Condom Use in Calcutta Journal of Development Economics
- Gupta, Indrani and Sankar, Deepa. Health of the Elderly in India: A Multivariate Analysis Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries
- Gupta, Indrani and Mitra, Arup. Basic Amenities and Health in Urban India The National Medical Journal of India
- Gupta, Indrani and Mitra, A. Rural Migrants and Labour Segmentation: Micro Level Evidence from Delhi Slums Economic and Political Weekly
- Gupta, Indrani. Private Health Insurance and Health Costs: Results from a Delhi Study Economic and Political Weekly
- Mitra, Arup and Gupta, Indrani Basic Amenities and Health in Urban India The National Medical Journal of India
- Mitra, Arup and Gupta, Indrani. Low Income Migrants and Labour Market Segmentation: Micro-level Evidence from Delhi Slums. Economic and Political Weekly
- Mitra, Arup and Gupta, Indrani Poverty and Health: Evidence from India in Report on Conference on Equality Employment and Economic Order in South Asia Vishwa Yuvak Kendra and Konard Adenauer Foundatiuon
- Gupta, Indrani Health Status of the Elderly in India BOLD , Malta: International Institute of Aging
- Gupta, Indrani The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in India: Are We Doing Enough? Development Bulletin
- Gupta, Indrani and Dasgupta, Purnamita. Health-seeking Behaviour in Urban India: A Case Study of Delhi Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries
- Ellis, Randall; Alam, Moneer and Gupta, Indrani. Health Insurance in India: Prognosis and Prospectus Economic and Political Weekly
- Gupta, Indrani and Mitra, Arup. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Among Migrants in Delhi Slums. Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries
- Mitra, Arup and Gupta, Indrani. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among Migrants in Delhi Slums Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries
- Gupta, Indrani; Goldar, B N and Mitra, Arup. Trade in Health Services: A Case Study of India International Trade in Health Services: A Development Perspective, UNCTAD
- Gupta, Indrani and Mitra, A. Child Labor: A Profile of Delhi Slums Indian Journal of Labor Economics
Working Paper
- Indrani Gupta, Damini Singh & Sagnik Dey Effect Of Air Pollution On Cognitive Performance In India
- Gupta, Indrani, Trivedi, Mayur, Jani, Vishal, Barman, Kanksha, Ranjan, Avantika and Sharma, Manas (Jan. 2021) COSTING OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRES : A CASE STUDY OF GUJARAT
- Gupta, Indrani, Chowdhury, Samik, Ranjan, Avantika and Saun, Diwas Singh (Feb. 2021) Priorities in Budgetary Allocations for Health during the Fourteenth Finance Commission: Evidence from Five States
- Dang, Archana and Gupta, Indrani (May 2021) Obesity and its Impact on COVID Occurrence: Evidence from India
- Gupta, Indrani and Roy, Arjun (June 2021) Including musculoskeletal diseases in the health policy agenda in India:Evidence on burden and economic impact on Indian households
- Chowdhury, Samik and Gupta, Indrani (2020) Fiscal Space and Expenditure Priorities post -14th Finance Commission: A Study of Five Indian States
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2015) Finances for Health in India: Are New Sources the Way to Go?
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2015) Financing for Health Coverage in India: Issues and Concerns
- Gupta, Indrani and Sankar, Deepa (2002) Treatment Seeking Behaviour and the Willingness to pay for Antiretroviral Therapy of HIV Positive Patients in India
Chapter in Edited Books
- Gupta, Indrani and Ramandeep (2020) Risk and Prevention of Infectious Disease Zimmermann K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2018) Household Microenvironment and its Impact on Infectious Diseases in India - Evidence from the National Sample Surveys Vikram Dayal, A. Duraiappah, and Nandan Nawn (Eds.), Ecology, Economy and Society: Essays in Honour of Kanchan Chopra. Springer
- Gupta, Indrani and Bhatia, Mrigesh Indian Health Care System International Profiles of Health Care System
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2016) Urban Concerns and Their Impact on Health in India Policy Challenges from Demographic Change in China and India by Karen Eggleston (ed.). Stanford CA: Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center
- Gupta, Indrani (2015) Universalizing Health Coverage in the Post-MDG Era Tanuka Endow etc. (Eds.). Human Develop in the Global South: Emerging Perspectives in the Era of Post-Millennium Development Goals. Delhi: Institute for Human Development
- Gupta, Indrani and Chowdhury, Samik (2014) Scaling up Health Expenditure for Universal Health Coverage: Prospects and Challenges India Infrastructure Report 2013-14. Orient Blackswan, New Delhi
- Gupta, Indrani (2012) Implications and Feasibility of Commercial Health Insurance for People Living with HIV in India Chapter 23 in "Three Decades of HIV/AIDS in Asia" edited by J.P. Narain, Sage Publications
- Gupta, Indrani Economics of Scaling Up Climate Change and Disease Dynamics in India. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- Gupta, Indrani (2012) Health Indicators New Oxford Companion to Economics in India, OUP
- Gupta, Indrani, Trivedi, Mayur and Guin, Pradeep (2011) Human Development in Bellary: A Human Development Perspective Population, Health and Human Resources in India's Development. Academic Foundation
- Gupta, Indrani, Joe, William and Rudra, Shalini (2010) Demand Side Financing in Health: How far can it address the issue of low utilization in developing countries? In Health systems financing: The path to universal coverage. World Health Report
- Gupta, Indrani, Trivedi, Mayur and Kandamuthan, S. (2009) Recurrent Costs of India's Free Treatment Programme HIV and AIDS in South Asia: An Economic Development Risk, The World Bank, Washington
- Gupta, Indrani and Dasgupta, P. (2007) Choosing between Private, Public and No Care, Health Indicators State, Markets and Inequalities: Human Development in Rural India, A. Shariff and M. Krishnaraj (Eds.), Orient Longman
- Gupta, Indrani (2007) Health Indicators The Oxford Companion to Economics in India. Kaushik Basu (Ed.)
- Gupta, Indrani and Panda, S. (2002) The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in India: Looking Ahead Living with the HIV/AIDS Virus: The Epidemic and the Response in India by S. Panda and others (Eds.), Sage Publications
- Gupta, Indrani (1998) Socio-economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on Individuals: A Planning Perspective from India The Looming Epidemic: The Impact of HIV and AIDS in India, (Ed.) Peter Godwin ,Mosaic