Nilabja Ghosh

Nilabja Ghosh
Institute of Economic Growth,
Delhi University Enclave,
Delhi - 110 007, India.
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- Nilabja Ghosh, M. Rajeshwor & Satarupa Chakravarty A Data-Analytical Way of Estimating Rice Crop Yield: Economic and Water Related Causative Factors Remote Sensing of Agriculture and Land Cover/Land Use Changes in South and Southeast Asian Countries
- Ghosh, Nilabja Glimpses of Indian Agriculture Oxford University Press , New Delhi
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2013) India's Agricultural Marketing: Market Reforms and Emergence of New Channels Springer
- Ghosh, Nilabja (edited with C. S. Sekhar) The Future of Indian Agriculture: Technology and Institutions Academic Foundation
- Ghosh, Nilabja, Sabyasachi Kar and Suresh Sharma. (2009) Growing Rural Urban Disparity in Uttarakhand Serials Publications
- Ghosh, Nilabja , Amritanshi Preeti , & M. Rajeshwor Climatic Trends, Cropping Pattern Shifts, and Migration of Rice in India Economic and Political Weekly
- Ghosh, Nilabja, Tripathi, Amarnath, Verma, Ruchin and Rajeshwor, M (2018) Technological Options for Rice Farming in India: A Focus on the Eastern Region System of Rice Intensification Studium Press
- Ghosh, Nilabja, Tripathi, Amarnath, Rajeshwor, M. and Singh, Roopal (2017) Do Producers Gain from Selling Milk : An Economic Assessment of Dairy Farming in Contemporary India Economic & Political Week
- Ghosh, Nilabja, Kumari, Anita and Rajeshwor, M (2016) Revisiting the Growth Patterns in Indian Agriculture Using Internationally Compatible Methodology Re-Visiting Agricultural Policies in the Light of Globalization Experience: The Indian Context Indian Society of Agricultural Economics
- Ghosh, Nilabja, Singh, Roopal Jyoti and Rajeshwor, M (2016) Understanding Demand, Supply and Price Behavior in the Dairy Sector: Using Official Indian Statistics The Journal of Industrial Statistics
- Kumari, Anita and Ghosh, Nilabja. (2014) Trends in Temperature and Rainfall and the Possible Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
- Chakravarty, Sangeeta, Ghosh, Nilabja and Rajeswar M. (2010) Effect of Trade Liberalization on Volatility: The Experience of Indian Agriculture International Journal Economic Policy in Emerging Economies Vol. 3 (3)
- Ghosh, Nilabja. (2010) Organizational forms and Market Intermediations: A Study on Rural Women Entrepreneurs in India Indian Journal of Labour Economics Vol. 53(2)
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Goldar, B N and Mitra, Arup. Population, Employment and Poverty: South Asian Experience Demographics, Employment and Old Age Security: Emerging Trends and Challenges for South Asia Macmillan
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Chakravarty, Sangeeta and Bhatt, Yogesh. Are Crop Forecasts Useful for Policy? Assessing Alternative Methods The Future of Indian Agriculture Academic Foundation
- Ghosh, Nilabja. (2010) Organic Farming in North-eastern Hill Region Transitions in North Eastern India Routledge
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Kar, Sabyasachi and Sharma, Suresh. Inequalities of Income Opportunity in a Hilly State: A study of Uttarakhand Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand Academic Foundation
- Ghosh, Nilabja and Sharma, Suresh. (2010) Education for all in Rural Himalayas: A Study of Uttarkhand Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand Academic Foundation
- Ghosh, Nilabja and Chakravarty, Sangeeta. (2010) Agricultural Prices and Futures Trading: Interactions and the Transfer of News Commodity Derivative Markets: Opportunities and Challenges TAER
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Chakravarty, Sangeeta and Rajeswar, M. Effect of Trade Liberalization on Volatility: The Experience of Indian Agriculture International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies , Vol. 3(3)
- Mitra, Arup, Ghosh, Nilabja and Goldar, B N. Population Ageing and its Implications on the Labour Market: The South Asian Experience Demographics, Employment and Old Age Security: Emerging Trends and Challenges for South Asia Macmillan: India
- Chakravarty, Sangeeta and Ghosh, Nilabja. Agricultural Prices and Futures Trading: Interactions and the Transfer of News Commodity Derivative Markets: Opportunities and Challenges TAER
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Chakravarty, Sangeeta and Kumar, Sailesh Volatility and Price Discovery in Indian Wheat Market Madhoo Pavaskar (ed.), Effects on Futures Markets on Agricultural Commodities TAER
- Ghosh, Nilabja Organic Farming in North Eastern Region Transition in North Eastern India Routledge
- Ghosh, Nilabja Organizational Forms and Market Intermediations: A Study on Rural Women Enterpreneurs in India Indian Journal of Labour Economics
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Kar, Sabyasachi and Sharma, Suresh. Inequalities of Income Opportunity in a Hilly State: A Study of Uttarakhand Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand Academic Foundation: Delhi
- Sharma, Suresh and Ghosh, Nilabja Education for All in Rural Himalayas: A Study of Uttarkhand F. Ram, T.V. Sekhar et. al. (eds.), Population, Health and Development in Uttarakhand Academic Foundation
- Ghosh, Nilabja. Measuring the Efficacy of Targeted Public Programmes: Public Works Programmes in India UNU-WIDER and FAO, Oxford University Press
- Ghosh, Nilabja Enterprise among Farm Women in India and Understanding their Constraints: An Exploration of NSSO'S Household Data Empowerment of Women through Entrepreneurship Gyan Publishing House
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Chakravarty, Sangeeta and Bhatt, Yogesh Crop Supply Forecasting for Food Management: A Review of Practices, Developments and Options, Agricultural Situation in India , Ministry of Agriculture , Government of India
- Sharma, Suresh and Ghosh, Nilabja. Progress of School Education, Gender and Imbalances: The Case of Uttarakhand State in India Demography India
- Ghosh, Nilabja Trade Liberalization and Diversification in Indian Agriculture Growth, Equity, Environment and Population ,Sage
- Ghosh, Nilabja. A Green Revolution for the Women in Farm households Agricultural Situation in India Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
- Ghosh, Nilabja Theory and Practice of Agricultural Indicators Economic and Poltical Weekly
- Ghosh, Nilabja Organic Farming in North-east Hill Region in India Biodiversity and Quality of Life New Delhi: Macmillan
- Ghosh, Nilabja Trade Liberalization and Diversification in Indian Agriculture Journal of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
- Ghosh, Nilabja. Use of Organic Methods in Indian Agriculture Agricultural Situation in India ,Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India
- Ghosh, Nilabja Impact of Trade Liberalization on Returns from Land: A Regional Study of Indian Agriculture Palgrave-WIDER
- Ghosh, Nilabja Promoting Bio-fertilizers in Indian Agriculture: The Case of a New Technology Economic and Political Weekly
- Ghosh, Nilabja Reducing Dependence on Chemical Fertilizers and its Financial Implications for Farmers in India Ecological Economics
- Ghosh, Nilabja and Rajaramam, Indira. Revenue Estimates for a Crop-Specific Agricultural Tax Economic and Political Weekly
- Ghosh, Nilabja Infrastructure, Cost and Labour Income in Agriculture Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Ghosh, Nilabja Responses in Agriculture and Communication Infrastructure: A Study of Rice NCAER
Working Paper
- Ghosh, Nilabja; Rajeshwor, R. and Narayan, Hrishabh Economy’s response to Rainfall and Economic factors
- Ghosh, Nilabja Inequalities of Income Opportunity in a Hilly State: A Study of Uttarakhand
- Ghosh, Nilabja Education for All: A Case of Rural Himalayan
- Ghosh, Nilabja Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Returns from Land: A Regional Study of Indian Agriculture
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2014) An Assessment of the Extent of Food Processing in Various Food Sub-sectors Agricultural Economics Unit
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2013) Impact of Emerging Marketing Channels in Agricultural Marketing-Benefit to Producer-Seller and Marketing Costs and Margins of Agricultural Commodities Agricultural Economics Unit
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2011) Production, Market Structure and the Role of Public Policy: Foodgrains in the New Economy Agricultural Economics Unit
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2011) Role of Climate Change and Agricultural Performance Agricultural Economics Unit
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2010) Economic Empowerment of Farm Women Through Viable Entrepreneurial Trades Agricultural Economics Unit
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2008) Problems and Prospects of Crop Insurance: Reviewing Agricultural Risk and NAIS in India Agricultural Economics Unit
- Ghosh, Nilabja (2003) Financial Implications of Use of Chemical Fertilizers along with Organic/Bio-Fertilizers and Means to Promote their Use Agricultural Economics Unit