William Joe

William Joe
Section/Unit: Population Research Centre
Research Interests: Health Economics and Demography
William Joe is Assistant Professor at the Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. Dr. Joe has a PhD in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University with research interests in health economics and demography. He is engaged in research, monitoring and evaluation work for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India. Dr. Joe also leads the UNICEF-IEG collaboration on Anemia Mukt Bharat technical support activities for MoHFW. He is a member of the NITI Aayog working group on strategy for improving nutrition in India. He is also a member of the Technical Advisory Groups on Nutrition and Anemia for the Government of Karnataka, Government of Jharkhand and the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR).
Email ID : william@iegindia.org
- Sharma, Suresh and Joe, William (2014) National Rural Health Mission: An unfinished agenda Bookwell
- William Joe, Avi Saini, Ritwik Shukla & Avani Kapur Improving nutrition budgeting in health sector plans: Evidence from India's anaemia control strategy Maternal and Child Nutrition
- William Joe, Rinju, Narendra Patel, Ruby Alambusa, Bharati Kulkarni, Kapil Yadav & Vani Sethi Coverage of iron and folic acid supplementation in India: progress under the Anemia Mukt Bharat strategy 2017–20 Health Policy and Planning
- Kumar, Abhishek; Rajpal, Sunil ; Alambusha, Ruby ;Sharma, Smriti and Joe, William (March, 2022) Can Anganwadi services strengthening improve the association between maternal and child dietary diversity? Evidence from Project Spotlight implemented in tribal dominated Gadchiroli and Chandrapur districts of Maharashtra, India PLoS ONE
- William Joe, Abhishek Kumar, Sunil Rajpal, Archa Misra, Ruby Alambusha, Smriti Sharma and S. V. Subramanian (2021) Infrastructure for Delivery of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and Uptake of Pre-School Education Services: Insights from Palghar Journal of Development Policy and Practice
- William Joe, Kumar, A., Rajpal, S., Mishra, U. S., & Subramanian, S. V. (2020) Equal risk, unequal burden? Gender differentials in COVID-19 mortality in India Journal of Global Health Science
- Mishra, U S and Joe, William (2020) Household assets and wealth quintiles, India 2006-16: Insights on Economic Inequalities Economic and Political Weekly
- William Joe, J. M. Perkins, S. Kumar, S. Rajpal & S. V. Subramanian (2018) Institutional Delivery in India, 2004 – 2014: Unravelling the Equity-Enhancing Contributions of the Public Sector Health Policy and Planning
- William Joe, Shalini Rudra, U. S. Mishra and M. Ramanathan (2018) Social Choice and Political Economy of Health: Reflections on the National Health Policy Economic and Political Weekly
- Gaur, Kirti; Keshri, Kunal &Joe, William. (2013) Does living in slums or non-slums influence women's nutritional status? Evidence from Indian mega-cities Social Science and Medicinevol
- Gupta, Indrani and Joe, William (2013) Refining estimates of catastrophic healthcare expenditure: An application in the Indian Context International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
- Gupta, Indrani, Joe, William and Rudra, Shalini (2013) HIV Prevention: Towards a Structural-Plus Approach Health. Vol. 5 (1)
- Joe, William; Mishra, U S and Navaneetham, K. (2013) Inter-Group Inequalities in Child Undernutrition in India: Group Analogue of Gini Coefficient and Atkinson's Index Oxford Development Studies
- Joe, William and Mishra, U S. (2012) Inequalities in Access to Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation and Childhood Undernutrition in India Interlacing Water and Human Health: Case Studies from South Asia, SAGE Publications
Working Paper
- Kumar, Saroj, Kumar, Abhishek, Kumar, Rakesh and Joe, William (April, 2021) Social Demographics and Health Achievements: An Ecological Analysis of Institutional Delivery and Immunization Coverage in India
- Kachwaha, S., R. Avula, P. Menon, V. Sethi, W. Joe, and A. Laxmaiah (2021) Improving Maternal Nutrition in India Through Integrated Hot-Cooked Meal Programs: A Review of Implementation Evidence. POSHAN Report No 14. New Delhi: International Food Policy Research Institute
- Kumar, Abhishek and Joe, William(2020) Cost-Benefit Analyses of Nutrition Interventions in India’s Policy Framework
- Joe, William, Sri, B. Subha , Sharma, Jyotsna, Shanta, Y. Manasa and Sharma, Suresh (2015) Strategies for Safe Motherhood in Tamil Nadu: A Note
- Joe, William, Sharma, Suresh, Sharma, Jyotsna, Shanta, Y. Manasa, Ramanathan, Mala, Mishra, Udaya Shankar and Sri, B. Subha (2015) Maternal Mortality in India: A Review of Trends and Patterns
- Joe, William and Mishra, Udaya Shankar (2015) On Reckoning Level Differentials in the Measurement of Progress: An Illustration in the Context of Deliveries Assisted by Skilled Health Personnel
- Joe, William, Dash, Atish Kumar and Agrawal, Pradeep (2015) Demographic Transition, Savings, and Economic Growth in China and India
- William Joe, Abhishek and S V Subramanian (2018) Analysis of nutrition interventions within India’s policy framework: Benefit-Cost Analysis Rajasthan Copenhagen Consensus Center
- Joe, William Report on Impact Evaluation Study of Fourteenth Finance Commission Grants to Gram Panchayat Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India
- Joe, William Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents (0-19 years) in India Landscape Study
- Joe, William Cost of Inaction in Family Planning in India: An Analysis of Health and Economic Implications Population Foundation of India (PFI)
- Joe, William Pay Commissions: Fiscal Implications 15th Finance Commission, Government of India
- Joe, William Resource Sharing between Centre and States and Allocation across States: Some Issues in Balancing Equity and Efficiency 15th Finance Commission, Government of India
- Joe, William Annual Health Survey Report – Part II: A Report on Clinical, Anthropometric and Bio-Chemical Survey, Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner,India Ministry of Home Affairs , Government of India, New Delhi
- Joe, William Annual Health Survey Report – Part I: A Report on Core and Vital Health Indicators, Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India Ministry of Home Affairs , Government of India, New Delhi