Purnamita Dasgupta

Purnamita Dasgupta
Chair in Environmental Economics and Head, Environmental and Resource Economics Unit Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi, India
Email ID: pdg@iegindia.org
- Purnamita Dasgupta, Anindita Roy Saha & Robin Singhal Sustainable Development Insights from India Selected Essays in Honour of Ramprasad Sengupta
- Sustainable Development Insights from India, Springer, 2021.
- Climate Sensitive Adaptation in Health: Imperatives for India in a Developing Economy Context. Springer, 2016.
- Thapa, P.S., Chaudhary S, and Dasgupta, Purnamita (2022). Contribution of integrated watershed management (IWM) to disaster risk reduction and community development: Lessons from Nepal, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Elsevier, Volume 76, 103029
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Srikanth, Kavitha (2021) Achieving the climate goal with intergovernmental transfers to the forestry sector: insights from the Indian experience, Springer Nature
- Dasgupta, Purnamita, Panda, Manoj Impact of COVID-19 on India: alternative scenarios for economic and social development Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2021) Climate Change : Raag Bhairavi at Glasgow EPW Vol.56
- Zahno, Martina ,Michaelowa, Katharina ,Dasgupta, Purnamita and Sachdeva, Ishita (2020) Health awareness and the transition towards clean cooking fuels: Evidence from Rajasthan PLOS ONE
- Dasgupta, Purnamita, Zahno, Martina, Michaelowa, Katharina and Ishita Sachdeva (2020) Clean fuels for a health makeover in rural India Nextrends Asia
- Hess, Jeremy J and Dasgupta, Purnamita Guidelines for Modeling and Reporting Health Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Actions Environmental Health Perspectives
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2019) Economic Growth and Sustainability: The Multidimensionality of Social Progress The Economic Review
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Cost effective adaptation to flood: sanitation interventions in the Gandak river basin Climate and Development
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Michaelowa, Katharina (2019) Next Step to Clean Fuel: More Information on Health Hazards of Traditional Cooking Fuels Can Make Rural Poor More Inclined Towards LPG The Indian Express
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2018) Climatic Change Impacts on Foodgrain Production in India Ecology, Economy and Society: Essays in Honour of Kanchan Chopra Springer
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2018) Economic Growth, Social Progress and Planetary Welfare The Newsletter
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Sustainable Development, Poverty Eradication and Reducing Inequalities IPCC, WMO , Geneva
- Gioli, Giovanna, Thapa, Ganesh, Khan, Fawad, Dasgupta, Purnamita, Poverty and Vulnerability in Mountain Livelihoods Springer Nature
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Goldar, Biswanath Costing for Elevation in Development Expenditure: Illustrative Evidence from India Journal of Quantitative Economics
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Chopra, Kanchan Economic Systems and Ecosystems: Interlinkages, co-evolution or Disparate Movement? Ecosystem Functions and Management: Theory and Practice Springer
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2017) Valuing Forest Ecosystem Services in Managing India's Forests in a Changing Climate: Emerging Concepts and their Operationalization USAID
- Dasgupta, Purnamita. (2016) Health sector preparedness for adaptation planning in India. Springer
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2016) Mapping Gains and Losses from the Mayur Ecosystem in Water Security in Peri-Urban South Asia Oxford University Press
- Dasgupta, Purnamita. (2015) Socioeconomic response patterns of farmers to climate change in Africa: Lessons from South East Nigeria Nigeria Agricultural Journal
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2015) Evaluating expert opinion on India's climate policy : opportunities and barriers to low-carbon inclusive growth Climate and Development
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2015) Economic Development and the Costs of Climate Change Yojana
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2015) Immunisation Coverage in India: An Urban Conundrum Economic and Political Weekly
- Dasgupta, Purnamita. (2014) Decline in Immunization Coverage Across Well-Performing Districts in India Indian Journal of Paediatrics
- Purnamita Dasgupta (2013) Land Access and Food Security for Forest Dwellers: An Economic Analysis for India, Problems of Sustainable Development European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Purnamita Dasgupta (2013) Socio-Economic Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Foodgrain Production in Indian States Environmental Development
- Purnamita Dasgupta (2011) Low Carbon Growth: An Indian perspective on Sustainability and Technology Transfer, Problems of Sustainable Development European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Dasgupta, Purnamita (2010) Trade, Technology Transfer and Climate Change Economic and Political Weekly
- Dasgupta, Purnamita, Goldar, B N and Nayak, Pulin B. (2010) Measuring Environmental Sustainability with Macroeconomic Data for India India's Economy and Growth: Essays in Honour of Professor V.K.R.V. Rao Sage Publications
- Chopra, Kanchan and Dasgupta, Purnamita Assessing Economic and Ecosystem Services Contribution of Forests: Issues in Modeling and An Illustration International Forestry Review
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Economics and Climate Change: Some Relevant Aspects for Human Security in India In Security Challenges and Implications of Climate Change for India Academic Foundation: Delhi
- Dasgupta, Purnamita, J. Bandyopadhyay, K. Chopra and N. Ghosh A Nobel for the Commons: A Tribute to Elinor Ostrom Economic and Political Weekly
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Hope and Despair: The Criticality of Data on Climate Change Central Statistical Organisation , Delhi
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Some Recent Evidence from Himachal Pradesh on the Implications of Interventions for Rural Women Gender Issues in Development, Concerns for the 21st century Rawat Press
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Chopra, Kanchan. Model for assessing economic and ecosystem services contribution of forests International Forestry Review
- Chopra, Kanchan and Dasgupta, Purnamita The Nature of Household Dependence on Common Pool Resources: An Empirical Study in India Economic and Political Weekly
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Common Pool Resources as Development Drivers: A Case Study of NTFPs in Himachal Pradesh, India SANDEE
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Financing for HIV and AIDS Initiatives in Asia,HIV & AIDS and Emerging Issues of Governance in Asia Action Aid International
- Goldar, B N and Dasgupta, Purnamita Female Labour Supply in Rural India: An Econometric Analysis Indian Journal of Labour Economics
- Dasgupta, Purnamita. Valuing Health Damages from Water Pollution in Urban Delhi Environment and Development Economics
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Valuation of Safe Water Supplies for Urban Households Water Resources, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services,Ed. by Kanchan Chopra Concept Publishing Company
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Lele. S Water Resources, Sustainable Livelihoods and Eco-System Functions Economic and Political Weekly
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Health of the Elderly in India: Some Aspects of Vulnerability International Institute on Ageing
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Valuing Health Damages from Water Pollution in Urban Delhi Environment and Development Economics
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Das, R K. Child Health and Immunization Economic and Political Weekly
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Gupta, I. Demand for Curative Health Care in Rural India: Choosing between Private, Public and Nocare National Council of Applied Economic Research
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and Gupta, I. Health Seeking Behaviour in Urban Delhi: An Exploratory Study Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries
- Gupta, Indrani and Dasgupta, Purnamita. Health-seeking Behaviour in Urban India: A Case Study of Delhi Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries
- Dasgupta, Purnamita and others Urban Water Supply and Sanitation U. Sankar and O.P. Mathur. Ed. Economic Instruments for Environment Sustainability National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
Chapter in Edited Books
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Introducing Contemporary Development and Sustainability Concerns for India Sustainable Development Insights from India: Selected Essays in Honour of Ramprasad Sengupta Springer
- Dasgupta, Purnamita Climatic Change Impacts on Foodgrain Production in India Ecology, Economy and Society: Essays in Honour of Kanchan Chopra Springer
- Purnamita Dasgupta, Ottmar Edenhofer Growth, Human Development and Planetary Welfare in Rethinking Societies for the 21st Century Report of the International Panel on Social Progress Cambridge University Press
- Purnamita Dasgupta, John Morton Rural Areas, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Cambridge University Press
- Purnamita Dasgupta (2014) Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR5, IPCC, UNEP-WMO, Geneva, Switzerland
Working Paper
- Purnamita Dasgupta Female Labour Supply in Rural India: An Econometric Analysis
- Purnamita Dasgupta "Q Methodology" for Mapping Stakeholder Perceptions in Participatory Forest Management
- Purnamita Dasgupta The Nature of Household Dependence on Common Pool Resources: An Econometric Study for India
- Purnamita Dasgupta Valuing health damages from water pollution in urban Delhi, India: A health production function approach