Monday, March 24

Population and Human Resources

Population and Human Resources

I. Background and Evolution Research
Professor V.K.R.V.Rao, a visionary and founder of the Institute of Economic Growth, had strong conviction about the relevance of demographic research for evolving the country’s development perspective. Having had this conviction, Professor Rao has advised Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru in early fifties to constitute a committee with its mandate to provide an institutional framework for the development of research on population and its socio-economic dimensions. Professor Rao was subsequently asked to serve this Committee along with Professor P.C. Mahalanobis and Professor.D.R.Gadgil. Four Demographic Research Centers (DRCs) were established on the recommendation of this committee in all the four corners of the country, and the Demographic Research Centre of the Institute of Economic Growth, which was later renamed as the Population Research Centre (PRC) in 1972, was one of them.
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